了解美國與英國的建築研究所 (MArch) 學程分類

同學在申請美國和英國建築研究所 (March) 時,必須先了其學制和學程分類,其適合對象依據你大學學制的不同 (建築系選4年制與5年制會有差異),影響你建研所的 program 的選擇,以及往後你在當地工作的建築職涯。我們可以先從英國成為一名註冊建築師的路線,來了解 RIBA Part 1,2,3 的學程是怎麼樣的進程,再去看美國不同 MArch 分類所適合的學生對象為何。

Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institute of British Architects

英國 RIBA Part 1, 2, 3

在英國,如果你想接受建築師培訓,可以考慮許多不同的選擇。雖然典型的路線包括在大學學習五年並完成至少兩年的實踐經驗,但你也可以兼職學習,或通過RIBA Studio來達成目標。

■ RIBA Part 1

RIBA Part 1 提供你發展核心建築技能和理解力的機會,為之後的 practical experience (typically one year in duration) 做好準備,進一步學習或開始全職工作。從第一年的學習開始,你就有資格獲得 RIBA Student Membership 資格。如果你正在攻讀大學本科學位(例如 BA 或 BSc Architecture),這通常需要三到四年的 full time 學習,或者如果你已經在工作,你可以通過 RIBA Studio 或學徒制度達成同等資格。

■ RIBA Part 2

RIBA Part 2 將為你提供更深入的建築知識和項目及議題的複雜性。它可以以兩年 full time 大學授予的學位或其他工作的途徑完成。授予的名稱因提供機構而異,e.g. BArch, Diploma, MArch。學生可以選擇返回完成 Part 1 的學校,或申請在其他學校學習 Part 2。

舉例來說,如果你上 The Bartlett School of Architecture 官網,其中的 Postgraduate 裡面有一個 Architecture MArch (ARB/RIBA Part 2) 學程,裏頭的 Entry requirements 就標明 :

A minimum of an upper second-class degree in architecture from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Corporate membership of the following UK professional institutions: Architects Registration Board (ARB); the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) would also meet the requirement.

這表示你必須先有英國建築學位或同等標準的海外資格,才可以申請 ARB/RIBA Part 2 相關學程。另外,如果你查 Postgraduate 的 Architectural Design March 學程,其中的 Key information 與 Entry requirement 就特別標明 :

Please note, this degree is not professionally accredited. If you are seeking a professionally accredited programme, you may want to consider Architecture MArch (ARB/RIBA Part 2).

Key Information

A minimum of a second-class UK degree in an appropriate subject or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants with extensive experience in the field may also be considered.

Entry Requirement

由此可知,MArch (ARB/RIBA Part 2) 學程的先決條件是 degree in Architecture ( 補充說明 : You’ll usually need an undergraduate degree in Architecture, with a classification of at least 2.1 (some institutions may allow a 2.2). Your Bachelors should have been studied at a RIBA-approved university and given you RIBA Part 1 (or equivalent). In addition, you’ll need around a year of professional experience gained after graduation and will supply a design portfolio during the application process. ),並能獲得協會專業認證 ; 而 Architectural Design March 學程則僅要求 in an appropriate subject,因此在選擇 program 的時候,我們就能知道建築系畢業與其他設計科系畢業上,可以選擇的差異。

■ RIBA Part 3

The RIBA Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice in Architecture (Part 3) 分別由 RIBA 和 ARB 驗證和規定。那些獲得 ARB Part 1和 Part 2 認可並通過 Part 3 考試的人,有資格根據 1997 年 Architects Registration Act 進行註冊,並獲得 RIBA Chartered Membership 會員資格。RIBA Part 3 的課程在以下地點提供:英UK (Chester), UK (London), Hong Kong and UAE.

Part 3 通常包含以下考試檢驗項目:

  • 24 months of practical experience recorded on the PEDR platform
  • Professional CV and career evaluation
  • Case study
  • Written examination
  • Final oral examination
■ Architect

獲得 Part 1、Part 2 和 Part 3的資格後,您可以向 Architects Registration Board (ARB) 申請註冊為建築師,「建築師」這一頭銜受法律保護,因此其他人可以確定他們是在與一位合格的建築師洽談。

此時,你有資格成為 Chartered Member of the RIBA,這使你能夠獲得廣泛的服務和福利,並使您有權成為國家和國際建築師網絡的一部分,影響與參與其中。

■ International Students

如果你已經在英國境外學習或有資格成為一名建築師,包括在英國或歐盟境外完成的 RIBA 認證資格,您的資格將由 Architects Registration Board (ARB) 評估是否等同於英國 Part 1 和 Part 2,並且你還需要參加英國 Part 3 考試與檢驗,才有資格申請英國註冊建築師。

美國 March I, March I AP, March II (僅參考 Harvard 學程分類)

這裡我們僅參考 Harvard GSD 對於建築研究所的入學說明與簡章,能清楚了解學程差異。

*補充說明: 實際上,請考量並閱讀各所大學,對於 March 學程的解釋,不是每個建築研究所都和哈佛使用一樣的命名方式,正確的分辨該學程是否具考美國建築師資格是以 NAAB accredited professional degree 來分辨。美國建築研究所學程應有三種路程:

  • 4年制任何學程 + 3年專業 –> MArch I
  • 4年制建築 BA or BS + 2年制專業 –> MArch I AP 或部分稱 MArch II
  • 5年制專業 BArch + 1-2年制後專業 (post-professional degree) –> MArch II 或其他稱呼,例如 The Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design (MSAAD)
■ Master in Architecture I (March I)

The program leading to the Master in Architecture (MArch) is an accredited professional degree intended for individuals who have completed the bachelor’s degree with a major other than one of the design professions or with a pre-professional undergraduate major in one of the design professions.

Individuals who have completed a four-year Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in any field (architecture or other) are eligible for admission to the first term of the professional degree program.

簡言之,如果你是4年制任何學程,你有資格選擇 March I ; 如果你是4年制建築 BA or BS,則可以選MArch I AP,並在修業後會有資格考取美國建築師執照。March I 必須修7個學期 (MArch I AP為5學期),March II 需要2年,所以如果你目前也在正在猶豫要選四年制還五年制,不彷把時間線往後拉個幾年想想,或許能幫助你釐清建築職涯的規劃。

■ Master in Architecture II (March II)

The program leading to the Master in Architecture II (MArch II) is a post-professional degree intended for individuals who have completed a five-year undergraduate professional program in architecture or its equivalent.

以上可以清楚看到,如果你現在是選5年制設計組,你就已經具備Harvard March II (post-professional degree) 的申請資格。另外,在Admission 裡面,也有值得注意的資訊:

Individuals who have completed a comprehensive five-year professional bachelor of architecture degree or its equivalent, demonstrating high achievement in design, are eligible for admission. Programs leading to post-professional degrees do not need to be accredited, as applicants would normally have already completed the degree required for certification.

以上清楚標明,你會申請 Harvard 的 March II,即表示這個學程念完沒有 accredited,因為他預設你是五年制畢業的建築本科生,已經擁有考取美國建築師執照的先決條件。美國建築學程是以是否是 NAAB accredited professional degree 來分辨該學程年完是否具有考建築師執照的資格。最後補充到:

Please note that the MArch program is now designated as a STEM program making international MArch graduates eligible to extend their F-1 visas for up to three years in order to work in the United States.

在美國,海外學生選擇 STEM program,可以延長你的簽證,更多詳細資訊請參考這篇文章:








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